Saturday, February 8, 2025

Tequila Sunset Eats


Well, the sun came out for a while, so I went to hear J. Michael Laferty at Tequila Sunset. I usually just have a club soda, juice, or tea, but today I sprung for the Ahi Tuna Salad with teriyaki dressing. Yes, there are actually some greens under all that fish. The canned pineapple was a little disappointing, but other than that, it was pretty wonderful. I would have loved to have had fresh pineapple, but at least it had fresh avocado and all those greens. And the best Arnold Palmer I've ever had. (It always depends on the server. They are different every time.) 

And, of course, Mikey was in good voice (more like great voice), like always. 

Dressing Up the Ukes

 Oh, oh, oh! I was so happy to find this ukulele for sale in Mission, TX. Palm trees! A ukulele with palm trees! I just love it so. And my new embroidered ukulele strap dresses it up nicely. 

Some women like diamonds and pearls. 


I get excited about a new ukulele strap.

I never thought I would be one of those people who would buy up ukuleles like they were candy, but it's started to feel like it could become an obsession. 

It could be worse. 


Play on. 

Tequila Sunset Eats

  Well, the sun came out for a while, so I went to hear J. Michael Laferty at Tequila Sunset. I usually just have a club soda, juice, or tea...