Monday, April 19, 2021

Migratory Fallout!

The past several days, the island has been experiencing a birdwatcher's dream - migratory fallout!

Migratory fallout happens here when large groups of birds, returning from their winter homes in the Caribbean and Central and South America, start to experience fatigue and cold weather while crossing the wide Gulf of Mexico, so they decide to camp out in one place for a while. This happened when a cold front hit this past weekend, bringing a beautiful display of Baltimore orioles, indigo buntings, painted buntings, and a wide variety of other warblers. (Sadly, the trip and the cold prove too much for some of the migrating birds and they "fall out" only to perish. But the stronger ones stay for a brief respite.) 

I have been experiencing setbacks with my health, but I have still been pushing myself to get out there and see the birds as much as I can - a few hours every other day or so. I might push for two days in a row while they're here. The birds are so amazing right now and I know that they will be gone when they get rested and the warmer weather invites them to head for home. 

When the fallout hit, there were volunteers ready at places like the SPI Convention Center to welcome the incoming throngs of birds with a continuous supply of bird seed and oranges.

And it's working! 

The Baltimore orioles are definitely making a very showy display, having shown up in great numbers. 

I was finally able to get a look at the indigo buntings and the fabulous painted buntings. 

Now that I've gone digital, I can't even begin to keep up with sorting out and processing all the photos I'm taking. But I skim through them each day and choose my favorites to work on right away. Hopefully, I will be getting more and more added each day. It pretty much takes me a day in between, just to work on photos. 

Enjoy the fallout!

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