Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Red Rock Canyon Campgrounds

The first time I took Oklahoma's Hwy 281 home, I was enthralled by the view of the red rock formations gleaming with selenite in the sunlight. It looked as though there were diamonds sprinkled all over the cliffs. I went through another time on a cloudy day and it wasn't quite as glorious, but still very impressive. I vowed I would come and spend some time here, and I got my chance this trip. It was only for a night, but I'll be back for more. 

I stayed at the Red Rock Canyon Campground, which I thoroughly enjoyed. The area was once part of a state park, but when the lease expired, its state park status was not renewed and it was made into a lovely campground. Check it out if you're in the area!

Monday, October 30, 2023

The Great Salt Plains of Oklahoma

 When I make trips up north to see my family, I always have the delightful dilemma of trying to decide which places I am going to see on the way home. There's so much to see when you get off the interstate and take those state highways.

The Great Salt Plains of Oklahoma has been on my list for quite some time now. I am a natural salt enthusiast. I don't know anyone who gets as excited about salt as I do. Natural salt turned my health around and, therefore, turned my life around. Yes, I know that sounds corny, but it's true. 

When I found out that the day I was coming through was the last day to visit the digging area until April, I put it at the top of my list. People love to come here and dig to find selenite crystals - rosy, clay colored mineral crystals that are formed when the salt water combines with gypsum. The Salt Plains happen to lie in the region of the old Cherokee Strip, which also appeals to me based on my mixed Cherokee heritage on both my mom and dad's sides of the family. It doesn't show up in me as much as in some of my siblings, but it still touches my heart. 

I really enjoyed my short trip to the Great Salt Plains of Oklahoma and hope to go back again. There is a rich history here and I am eager to learn more about it. 

SouthernBlend at Louie's Backyard, SPI, South Padre Island

  After seeing J. Michael Laferty at Tequila Sunset and seeing the band, SouthernBlend, come in to set up, I searched for SouthernBlend on F...