Thursday, July 30, 2020

Back in the Midwest for a Bit

Driving from the tip of Texas to the heart of the Midwest by interstate looks easy enough. It's pretty much a straight shot taking I-35 most of the way, with a last leg on 81. A straight shot that goes through four major cities - San Antonio, Austin, Dallas/Fort Worth, and OK City. My muscles were so tense upon arrival, I felt like the Tin Man in need of a lube job. For much of my adult life, I have made it my aim to avoid stressful driving situations at all costs, due to the way they trigger some chronic health issues in me. Why I made an exception for the trip up is beyond me, but I definitely was not going to repeat my mistake going home. 

I never knew before that there is an option on Google Maps to avoid interstates. I started my trip home heading down 281 from the Glenvil, Nebraska area. I had in my mind that it would be a rather boring trip, especially through Kansas, as Kansas appears a little flat and dreary from the interstate. However, it was anything but!

My great sorrow is that I did not get to take pictures coming home, as most of the paved roads I took home did not have shoulders for pulling over. It's probably a good thing, as I would have been on the road for a good week if I had stopped to take pictures of all the amazing sites. The vast fields of wildflowers, the rolling hills, and the variance of colors along the way - I'm sure I had an increase in good oxygen flowing through my lungs from all the gasping I did at the wondrous sites! 

Oklahoma is a pretty drive, even from the interstate, with the pretty trees and the Arbuckle "Mountains." But this time I saw my birth state of Oklahoma like never before. More gasping. 

Driving through the Hill Country area between Austin and San Antonio is very pretty indeed, but nothing compared to the drive by highway. I truly love the Hill Country and I was so much in awe of it, as I enjoyed the closer view. 

But since I didn't get pictures of any of this, I will be looking up some of the areas on the web to share some of the highlights. 

Friday, July 24, 2020

First Tropical Storm

This morning my morning walk had to be cancelled due to a tropical storm warning - my first tropical storm warning. I didn't take it seriously at first. I just thought it was an inconvenience. However, before long the warning was getting a lot of attention and I started to wonder if I should be hanging around. My health has been improving so much, but I wasn't too sure how things would go for me if I was stuck or slowed down in backed up evacuation efforts. 

So I've decided it might be a good time for me to go north and get the last of my things from Mom's garage. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Magnificent Sunrise on SPI


Recently, I've been trying to get in just a little earlier to catch those pre-dawn crepuscular rays. ("Sunbeams" sound so much more romantic, don't you think?) It was definitely worth the extra effort. Simply marvelous. The glow on the waters was truly awe-inspiring. And I love seeing the birds paying their tribute every morning.Thank you, Jehovah.  

Of all the morning walks I have taken these past few months, this was definitely the most glorious. My health is improving. I am walking a little further every time. It's hard to believe that a year ago I was having to use a walker at times. 

Peaceful Beginnings

Lovely grasses are a simple pleasure and a lovely beginning to any day.
They get me in a meditative state of mind. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Love Those Palm Trees

I'm not sure why, but I have had some irresistible urges to try my hand at painting lately. I haven't really painted since high school, when I had a brief stint in art class, but didn't stick with it, since they seemed to do more artsy-craftsy stuff like raw potato stamping and the like. I always did okay with drawing, and have always wanted to try my hand at painting, but I just haven't ever jumped into it. 

I started out with acrylics, but I recently realized that the paints have a strong odor that has been making me sick every morning that I practice. I will be switching to water color to see how that goes. 

Palm trees are very inspiring. This one certainly didn't turn out as natural-looking as it was in my mind, but I think it's kind of cool, in a kitschy kind of way. 

Going for a little more realism next time. 

And here is my second attempt. 

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Staying Home with the Waltons


Well, I can't be at the beach all the time, can I? Staying home can get to be a challenge that many of us meet by binge-watching something or another. Might as well make it a down-home show like The Waltons. I've never really watched it all the way through, like Little House on the Prairie, which I've seen so many times I can predict the next lines. My favorites shows all seem to have "home" as their theme. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Sand Creations on SPI


Isn't it nice when someone leaves a surprise gift? I come across such pleasant gifts every so often when I am taking a morning walk along the beach at South Padre Island. It's nice to find something so original, knowing that it is time someone spent relaxing in the sand, letting their creative juices flow. 

Monday, July 13, 2020

Each New Day Is Special


Every sunrise is different. Some are soft and serene, like this one. Others are bursting with vibrant color. But each one is wondrous in its own way. And healing. Oh, so healing. 

I've been here in the Laguna Madre for just over two months. I came here to rest, rejuvenate, and rebuild my health. I can't think of a better place to do just that. 

Friday, July 10, 2020

Blissful Morning on SPI


Will I ever get tired of these morning walks? Not anytime soon. I can't go as often as I would like, things being as they are, but I treasure every time I get to go. 

Fresh Mint Tea


Fresh mint tea is so refreshing! 

I cut several sprigs, bring the water to just a boil, and then let them steep until the tea is almost cooled. I don't really drink hot drinks. Warm is just right for me. 

Tequila Sunset Eats

  Well, the sun came out for a while, so I went to hear J. Michael Laferty at Tequila Sunset. I usually just have a club soda, juice, or tea...