Saturday, September 26, 2020

Meatless Guaco Tacos


Every one in a while I go on a raw food kick, eating as little cooked food as possible. When I do, there's probably no cooked food I miss as much as tacos. Tacos often have some raw food toppings, like lettuce, tomato, pico de gallo, and such, but it's hard to get around the meat and tortillas. But it can be done, and the result is actually more tasty to me than the cooked type. I take a few romaine lettuce leaves and add a few big dollops of homemade guacamole. The I add a meatless taco mix made from soaked walnuts ground up with some chili powder, cumin, dehydrated onion powder, and sea salt. It probably doesn't sound so good to some, but it is tasty. Then I top with a fresh salsa that I make from red, orange, and yellow sweet peppers, some green peppers and jalapenos, and some onion, garlic, sea salt and lime juice. Mmmm - It tastes so good. 

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