Friday, October 30, 2020

Ruby Red Means Ruby Red!

I have always loved to start any day with fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice. It's always seemed a bit of an oddity to me that Ruby Red grapefruits are never Ruby Red. They are always pink, where I come from, anyway. 

But recently I got some Ruby Red grapefruit that really live up to their name. Mind you, no filters on these photos. This is the real thing. And the taste - I've never had any grapefruit juice like it. 

I believe they came from the Grapevine Orchards, just up the road from me. So tasty. I'll be back for more. 

Another surprising thing was the color of the outside. All this red inside and it was still green on the outside. Kind of makes me wonder about those pale things in the store. Are they pink because they are gas-ripened before their time? I don't know. But I sure do love this treat. 

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