Friday, October 2, 2020

Who's Been Eating My Plant?

Who's been eating my mother-of-thousands plant? That's what I have been wondering lately, so much so that I have been keeping the plant inside nights and putting it out in the daytime. When I went outside to water, I noticed a trespasser leaning over the edge of the planter. Could this little guy be the culprit or is he just here to sell me car insurance? 

Well, I did a little investigating and got mixed results. Some websites said that lizards don't eat plants, while others said that they do sometimes. So I don't know what to think, but for now I will continue keeping the plant inside a lot more, where it can keep company with all the little new plants I have started from it. I haven't wanted to put those baby plants outside, as I'm quite sure the tender new leaves would be a big temptation for whoever has been feeding on this mama plant. 

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