Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Pelicans Galore!

Since my first days here in the Rio Grande Valley, I have been hoping to get a good, close-up look at the pelicans. I have seen them fly in formation over the beach at South Padre Island and I have seem them playfully diving and surfing the waves near the Jetties, but they were always out of reach of my normally perfectly adequate Moto G camera.

Well, today I got my wish! I had my new camera (at least by my standards) with me when I ran to the post office on an errand, and I decided to walk the pier at Pirates' Landing before going home. It was cool, even with a jacket, but finding a large group of pelicans waiting for scraps of fish, I just had to stay long enough to get some long-awaited photos.

I didn't stay long, but it was a pure joy to watch the pelicans floating, flying, diving, landing, and fighting over scraps of fish. I love these last-minute adventures!

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