Friday, April 23, 2021

Helping Out at the Convention Center Birding Park

I made my way to the Convention Center and I was actually one of the first to be there. There were very few birds out at the time, but that could have been due to the fact that all the orange skins were totally cleaned out. I was talking to one of the other birders there, when she said she had better get busy putting out fresh oranges for the birds, so I asked if I could help.

Within minutes of putting out fresh oranges, birds started showing up. The first to make a landing was the catbird, which I had seen briefly for the first time yesterday. I was captivated by its friendly personality and debonair appearance. 

I walked along the boardwalk, where I saw some of the waders - a heron, a couple of least bitterns, and a lesser yellow-leg - and by the time I got back to the entrance, the catbirds and orioles had all but cleaned out the oranges! Believe me, I have a new respect for how much work it takes to keep the trees stocked with fresh oranges for all the birds that come here! 

Besides the striking catbird, I also saw the Tennessee warbler . . . 

and the beautiful redstart . . .

But my three mornings in a row of birding were catching up with me, so I reluctantly decided to make it a very short morning and head for home, as I had some resting up to do. With my health challenges, back-to-back beach and birding might be a little too much for me. (I was laid up for a few days after.)

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