Sunday, April 11, 2021

Some of the Regulars


I'm always anxious to see new types of birds at the birding habitats, but I notice that there seem to be several regulars that are almost always around. One is the lovely golden-fronted woodpecker. I don't really understand the name, since the gold color is on the back of the head, not the front, and it also has a very bright red patch on the top of the head. Very pretty coloring! 

Another regular - showing up almost everywhere - is the mourning dove, which is rarely ever alone. They like to hang around in groups. They have interesting markings and eyes that pop! 

And, finally, the most regular regular is by far the common grackle, every present, usually in great numbers. Today I saw one enjoying a morning bath. They make some funny noises and are kind of fun to watch, though many people would rather shoo them away. 

Just another regular day of birding. 

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