Saturday, June 5, 2021

A Soft Glow

I really didn't want to get out my door this morning, but I am so glad I did. The sunrise started out as a soft, beautiful glow and the waves were very gentle and low. Very nice for wading along in the water's edge. 

I usually enter the beach from one of the county park entrances at either the southern or northern end of the island, but this morning I decided to go in through one of the public accesses, since last time I came I missed the sunrise, due to being stuck in a long line of vehicles waiting for someone who must have overslept a bit. So, I don't usually see much of the hotels anymore, which is fine by me, because they don't really add much to the scenery, but I did think that the soft glow of the sunrise against the Isla Bella was rather pretty. 

But not as pretty as the pelicans flying against the sunrise. 

Walking away from the hotels, toward Isla Blanca County Park, I was surprised to see workers unloading some freshly painted lifeguard seats. I was a little surprised, as I don't remember seeing any last summer, but it's good to know that they are around. 

Down at Isla Blanca, the fishers were lining up on the Jetty and the pelicans, seagulls, and a friendly heron were having their breakfast. It was a very good day to come - well worth the effort. 

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