Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Back Home in Port Isabel

May 31, I came back to a little different scene, as while I was away, as a tornado and storm struck the area. A few blocks away, there was considerable devastation. At my place, there was just a lot of yucky stuff around the porch, a vagabond kitty under my tree, and a neighborhood raccoon scouting around. 

 I brought my two car-camping companions inside, which is a sure sign that I'm planning on sticking around a while. 

A week later, I sprung for a new look for my futon. 

Welcome home. 

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Back in Texas - Pedernales State Park, Johnson City


Since I had to leave Nebraska earlier than I had planned due to illness, I told myself I was not going to stop at any of the lovely spots on the way home, but when I gassed up at Johnson City and saw the lovely wildflowers at Pedernales State Park, I quickly decided to push myself just a little. 

I saw quite a little wildlife in the park, including a young deer among the flowers, but unfortunately I did not et a clear shot. 

I'm glad I caught it when I did, with all the beautiful colors. I would like to go back another time when I can do more walking.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Wildwood at Valparaiso, Nebraska

I was really happy to be able to spend a few days with my grandson and his wife after leaving my daughter's place. We had a lovely evening meal of brats cooked over a fire, with some really good watermelon too. The kitty enjoyed some salmon from packets I carried in the car. 

After that, I spent a night at the free Wildwood campground south of Valparaiso, Nebraska. It was my second time staying there - so nice. 

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Back in Nebraska Again

I made it to Nebraska to visit my second daughter and her family and for the baby shower for the parents of my first great-grandchild, where I am always glad to camp out in their yard.

I was very entertained by the Baltimore orioles in their yard and trees. They would even land on my car window in the mornings and peck at their reflection in the mirror. 

What a beautiful time!

Saturday, May 6, 2023

A Country Wedding - Husker Style


I made it to Lake Henry, South Dakota, where I was able to help my daughter and future son-in-law prepare for their country wedding at the Owl Lodge in Bruce, South Dakota. 

 It was a beautiful South Dakota country setting . . .

. . .with a Nebraska Cornhusker flair!

Best wishes!


Tequila Sunset Eats

  Well, the sun came out for a while, so I went to hear J. Michael Laferty at Tequila Sunset. I usually just have a club soda, juice, or tea...