Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Reveling in Warmth

You know how they say, "Be careful what you pray for, 'cause you just might get it?" Well, here I am, reveling in warmth. And it couldn't suit me more.

I'm sweating!!! I always feel better once I get to sweating, and I am sure getting that here.

Audrey messaged me, worried that my old indecisiveness might have swung around and hit me from behind. "You don't feel nervous or abandoned, do you?"

"No, I don't," I said. "I feel grown-up."

Monday, April 27, 2020

A Long Road Trip to Find a New Home

Well, we made it. My daughter Audrey was so kind as to help me to make the long move from Spokane to South Padre Island. As we were on the road, I was feeling pretty unsure. It is a pretty gutsy move for me to move so far away by myself, and as is typical for me, I spent pretty much the whole trip second-guessing my decision. However, my daughter Audrey encouraged me just to go for broke and head to SPI, come what may. "Just go for it. Have your adventure. No matter what happens, you will have had an adventure."

We got to SPI Sunday night, after Audrey found a great Priceline deal on a nice, beachfront motel. Lockdown was in full force. Masks required to go anywhere, even while in a car. Policemen stopped us at a checkpoint just after we crossed the St Isabella bridge. It was late, and sleep was welcome. Audrey welcomed the air conditioning, and in order to reward her for all her days of driving, I didn't even complain. I just got under those covers and drifted off to sleep.

If I still had any doubts, they all left me Monday morning, when I was able to take a glorious walk on the beach at South Padre Island in comfortable temperatures. Amazing.

I got back to the room and Audrey went for her walk, and then we drove up and down the island just a bit, and headed out to the apartment. I couldn't get over the warmth. The feeling of warmth. Finally.

I signed the papers, and we unloaded the car. No furniture, just my clothes, papers, family pics, and my little flat screen TV. Audrey took me back to Port Isabel to get a few groceries for the fridge, and she was back on her way. I'm sure she probably needed to sleep for a week, after driving a rental car from Omaha to Spokane, Spokane back to Omaha, and then to SPI and back to Omaha. Yikes.

And here I stayed in the warmth. Ah . . . 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Ready or Not, SPI, Here I Come!

Well, this is it. Last day. Though I have still had a lot of health challenges here, I have made some good strides forward as well. Most of all, I have had some good, regular family time, including precious times spent as a grandma to my sweet Scarlet. Regular time spent with grandchildren is something I haven't had much since living near Jake and Danielle's family a few years ago. I am really, really going to miss having Scarlet come down to my room for those evening visits, and especially taking the bus to school for a while before lockdown hit.

I am so grateful to Jason and Ericka for giving me this opportunity to spend time with them, make new friends, and get to know this glorious area. I will never forget my time here.

Saturday, April 11, 2020


I can't believe that I'm moving. I have so many mixed feelings. I have really loved it here in Spokane with Jason and his family. There was a lot that I wanted to get to know about Spokane in the summer, but even if I can't do all that, I knew that I didn't want to leave town without taking a walk along High Drive. Jason drove me past it when I first came here, and I couldn't wait to see it close up. 

Lockdown is pretty much in effect, but thankfully here in Spokane people still make outdoor exercise a high priority. I was not alone, as there were many walkers, joggers, and bicycle riders out, though people were maintaining distance. 

Taking this walk sure made it hard to think about leaving. 

Tequila Sunset Eats

  Well, the sun came out for a while, so I went to hear J. Michael Laferty at Tequila Sunset. I usually just have a club soda, juice, or tea...