Monday, May 18, 2020

Getting Around

The bus line is open here, but not three blocks away, as I thought. Because of the Covid situation, they are only running it from the park, which is about a mile away. Lots of walking, but a lovely view of the bay, and the nice houses over there are nicely landscaped. I wear my mask as I walk over, and I watch for creepy crawlers along the way.

It's tiring. I'm sure the bus will be better once I get the schedules down, but it's a lot of work and waiting right now.

While everyone is pretty much staying inside, I do have to get out for shorter trips every few days, at least to go fill my water jugs and get a few groceries. I have to do more frequent, short trips, as opposed to getting a bunch at once - partly because that's about all I can handle in the stores, and partly because I can only carry home a little at a time on the bus.

While the walking is a bit much - almost torturous at times - I am pleasantly surprised that I am able to walk as much as I do.

I have gone over to the beach a few times. People are few, but the sunshine and Vitamin D are abundant. I have always been deficient in Vitamin D, so I really need that sunshine. I feel so much better in that salt water as well. I have my mask with me. I am usually the only one on the beach with one right now, but we all stay more than the required 6 feet apart as it is.

I have found a little thrift store that is open on the island, and between that and Dollar Tree, which is right by the bus stop, I have been able to get some much-needed kitchen stuff.

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