Saturday, September 12, 2020

A Lovely Time at Laguna Atascosa


Laguna Atascosa - What a beautiful name! It surprised me to learn that it means "Boggy Lake!" Well, this is one boggy lake that is lovely to look at. And it did take away my depressed mood.

It's a nice place to see the sun go down. Signs warn against going near the water, due to the threat of alligators. There are lovely birds to be seen in flight. 

The nature trails look inviting, yet intimidating at the same time. I'd like to walk through someday, but the idea of coming across rattlesnakes and creepy crawlers while alone is a little more than I can handle. 

Then back home. I don't get to see the sun going down from my place, so I just had to turn around to get a better look at the evening sky. What a lovely evening!

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