Saturday, September 5, 2020

English Muffin Success


I've made just about everything from scratch at one time or another, but English muffins have always been a tough one for me. I've tried recipes, only to have them fail miserably. Most of them turned out too bread-like, without the airy holes that English muffins are known for. Others turned out more like a cross between biscuits and scones. So today I put all of the recipes aside and just followed my own instincts. I was really pleased with the results. 

Basically, I just added my sugar and salt to my sponge (water, yeast, and flour left to rise for about an hour) and didn't add more flour. I finally got the airy holes I was trying to get. Buttered and topped off with wild blueberry jelly, it was a real treat. 

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