Monday, February 22, 2021

Birds on Stilts at Santa Ana

One of the sights I saw while walking the trail to the Rio Grande was rather surprising. I saw what looked like a group of black and white ducks sitting alongside a pond. As I got closer, I knew that they were ducks by their long, skinny beaks. But I wanted to see more. So I walked toward them stealthily, a few steps at a time, practically on tiptoes. As I got closer, the birds picked up on my presence and started to stand up, a few at a time. And that's when I was surprised to see that they didn't have the short, proportionate legs one would expect. No, but rather, they looked like they were standing on stilts! 

I was not surprised, when I searched the web to find out what they were, to find out that they are actually called "stilts." Black-necked stilts. They certainly were very comical to watch, with their long, lanky, toothpick-thin legs. After walking away for just a bit, they finally all flew away at once, and pretty gracefully, at that. I hope to go back and see the black-necked stilts again sometime soon. 

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