Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Hugh Ramsey Nature Park


For some time now, I have been wanting to check out the Hugh Ramsey Nature Park in order to check out the birding. Well, I finally made it today. Next time I will know to be camera-ready when I approach the park, as my only bird sightings were as I was entering the birding habitat. As I walked up, I saw an Altimira oriole and a few green jays making a quick escape . By the time I got my camera ready to go, the habitat was quiet and bare. Lesson learned!

So, having scared off the beautiful birds, I set about walking through the park to take in the scenery and get a little exercise.

Like all the nature parks I have seen so far in the Rio Grande Valley, For the most part, it was all a jumble of overgrown gnarled trees and cacti - but a beautiful overgrown jumble!

When I finished making the rounds, I stopped by the birding habitat again, but it was still abandoned. I hope to go back another time soon, and this time I will be a little more stealthy! Hopefully, I will have some nice bird pictures then. 

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