Saturday, February 13, 2021

Ready for Print!

I decided to get some of my favorite local photos made into prints, so I placed an order with Amazon Photos. I haven't had photos printed for years, and when last I did, my Walmart/Walgreens prints were always quite unpredictable. Suffice it to say, the colors on my prints were not the colors of nature that drew me to click the shutter.

But this time, I was not disappointed! The colors were true to nature and I am quite pleased, even though I only have them in cheap, Dollar Tree frames. This one, above, was from one of my earliest sunrises on the island, taken July 2020.

  This one is just a simple shot of one of the picnic tables along the Laguna Vista Walking Trail. I really love the rustic simplicity. 

And yet another island sunrise. I hope to be getting more of these, now that the early morning temps are inching up toward the 70's. With Daylight Savings Time, sunrise is well after 7:30 right now, and with me being an early riser anyway, I tend to feel like the morning is half over by the time the sun comes up. But I'll soon get back into the routine - I hope. I've been having health struggles the past few months, but since I think a lot of that is due to being cooped up inside, I think it will do me good to get back into that salt air - but not until I can do it in the 70's, at least. Dreaming of 80's. 

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SouthernBlend at Louie's Backyard, SPI, South Padre Island

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