Thursday, February 11, 2021

Great White Egrets and More at the Birding Center


A great white egret really knows how to steal the show! So graceful and pure-looking! It's hard to look away. My eyes just want to follow, and follow, and follow. And I did follow, for quite some time. Lots of pics, but I think this was my favorite of the day. 

And then there's the American white ibis. It may have near the coloring of the white egret, but it doesn't really have the looks. Still fun to watch. This one was catching his lunch. 

Of course, a day at the Birding Center in SPI never seems complete without seeing one of the resident great blue herons - or, possibly, a tricolor heron. This one sure did strike a curious pose! How does he do that with his neck? 

There was a lot more to see today. I saw so many of the black-bellied whistling ducks that I feel impelled to give them a page of their own. Thanks for looking in!

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