Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Buds, Blooms, and Blossoms

If you had asked me a year ago, I would have said that I didn't even think the southern tip of Texas had a winter, let alone a spring. I just thought that with temperatures rarely dipping below 50 or 60 - and almost always reaching at least 70 during the day - I would have just said it was just one warm climate. 

But after having been here almost a year, I can see that there definitely are seasons. They aren't as discernible as in Nebraska. It's not like one month all the trees turn and the leaves fall and that's it - A new season. 

I never really noticed the transition here. But one day, as I was driving to Brownsville, I looked around at all the dried up shrubbery and thought, "Was all of this always dead, or do I remember a lot more green?" And I noticed the palm fronds were turning a rusty brown color - still very pretty. I really hadn't noticed any of it happening. I was just so gradual. 

But now I'm definitely seeing signs of spring. Trees and cacti are budding. 

One spectacular clue is the vast array of little yellow flowerlets all along the budding trees of the Laguna Vista Walking Trail. I looked them up and they adorn the huisache (or sweet acacia) trees. 

And then, there are these sweet little evening primrose flowers are popping up all over the place. They seem to be like the dandelions of the deep south. 

Some of my photos are available on Fine Art America

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