Monday, May 3, 2021

A Very Brief Outing

I was so exhausted after migration fallout week - so much so that I had to take a really long rest. But I have to say that it was worth it to see all the new birds. Today and yesterday I got out for the first time in a about a week. The migration influx is tapering off quite a bit, but there were still some pretty birds to be seen and captured. I think this is an oriole of some sort, but it's a little different from the ones I've seen thus far. Someone told me it may be a young female Baltimore oriole. 

I've seen birds that look very pudgy sitting on a branch suddenly stretch out and look really thin.

Wouldn't it be great if we could be like that?!? 

This one was a bright yellow - very pretty! 

Looking toward the setting sun - time for me to go home. 

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