Monday, May 3, 2021

SPI Nature Center Finds

Since my health I has been dragging lately, I probably should have stopped after making a quick trip around the Laguna Vista Walking Trail, but I had an errand to run in Port Isabel, so I couldn't resist crossing the bridge and driving up the island to the SPI Birding and Nature Center. 

And what is that stirring up the mirky waters of the Laguna Madre? 

It's a giant blue crab!

Not so "giant" as you might think. 

Giant blue crabs are known to be get up to nearly 11 inches. 

I would say that this one was probably about 7-9 inches. 

A little spooky looking, don't you think?


And nearby was this rather young heron - an immature green heron, I think. 

Possibly the one I photographed a while back? 

Definitely bigger now.

I immediately wanted to name him "Heron Young," a play on the name of one of my favorite old member of the Grand Old Opry, Faron Young. Boy, I am really giving away my age! But in my defense, my parents raised me on the reruns. I was not around when he started. 

By comparison, here is a mature, tri-colored heron, standing around the bend. 

Another day at SPI Birding and Nature Center.

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