Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Breakfast with the Birds

 Second day in a row that I was able to walk the beach at sunrise. Today there were a lot of seagulls that were fighting over some chicken and pork chop bones left behind after a picnic on the beach. But a lone heron decided to work for his breakfast. 

He played with that fish, poking it, prodding it, dragging it back and forth across the waves as they would roll in (must have needed more salt), until he finally swallowed it whole. 

 With a big GULP!

I wanted so much to stop at the birding center on the way home as well, but I have been having to limit myself a little so as to save some energy for things that have to be done at home. My energy is increasing, little by little. But at least I did get to see some birds at the beach, including a special one I will add as a separate post. 

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