Wednesday, June 2, 2021

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood


Today, I wasn't feeling well enough to do a lot of walking, so I just walked around the neighborhood, down a street along the bay. There was a lovely sunrise, which I dressed up a little bit. It made for a lovely silhouette. 

It's a nice neighborhood for a walk. I saw a few mockingbirds singing and flitting from tree to tree. 

Even the common grackle looks like something really special when it's backdropped against a stately palm tree.

A little later in the day, I decided to swing up to Laguna Atascosa for a quick drive-through.

It was a cute little roadrunner - certainly not something I would expect could get the best of a "Wiley Coyote!" But cute!

A friendly biologist connected with the wildlife reserve pointed out this Altamira oriole's nest - a pretty impressive dwelling, but I don't think anyone was home. 

Maybe next time.

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