Sunday, July 4, 2021

Gulls 'a Plenty


I have gulls on my rooftop more often than not. If I stopped to take photos of them all, I would be forever taking photos right outside my door. 

I'm not sure what it is that makes me stop and take a picture of one with others all around, but every once in a while, one just strikes me as different, even though they pretty much look the same. 

But there was something about this one that just kind of grabbed me and made a small connection this fine Saturday morning. 

It just adds a little joy to my day. 

And then, today, at the beach, it was this one that caught my attention, 

flying so gracefully across the morning sky. 

Still, I don't know what makes one stand out from another. 

But I know it happens, again and again. 

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