Friday, March 31, 2023

Headed for the Hills!


I've been enjoying the beautiful weather here on the bay and the Island, but I got a wonderful opportunity to visit family and see the Hill Country outside of San Antone when I found out my son and his family were going to be there for the weekend. So I got my car all ready for some car camping and set out.

The cactus flowers were all in bloom, which made for a nice drive up.

The next morning, I awoke to a beautiful sunrise as seen from a Walmart parking lot. 

What will the day bring???

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Black Skimmers on the Mud Flats


It was quite a treat to catch this large group of black skimmers hanging around on the mudflats. 

I love black skimmers!

I did not get to see their lovely synchronized flying today, but you can see some photos of them in flight by entering "black skimmers" in my search box. They are so lovely!

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

The Subtle Little Lady Cardinal

We all know those brightly-colored, male cardinals catch everyone's eye, but here's a beauty that is a little harder to spot - the lovely female cardinal. Who knows why male birds are often the more colorful and striking than the females? Some say that the males are more striking in order to be able to compete for mates and territory, whereas the females need to remain inconspicuous in order to care for their nests. 

Whatever the reason, the female cardinal has a simple beauty all its own, don't you agree?

Please say yes! Don't hurt the little lady's feelings. 


A Sweet Harbinger of the Coming Spring Migration

It's wonderful to be back for another spring migration!

One of the first of the migratory birds I spotted was this little black-and-white warbler at the Land Valley Trust on the Island. Dainty and sweet, I'm sure it is a lovely taste of what is to come. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Those Amazing Black Skimmers!

I am always thrilled when I come upon even a few of the amazing black skimmers, so imagine my delight when I stopped at the mud flats and saw hordes of them! At first they might be mistaken for sea gulls, standing there with their beautiful red-striped beaks tucked under their wings. 

But as you get closer, they pull their beaks out so that they can investigate. 

And soon it's clear to see that they aren't going to hang around. 

And away they go! 

And go . . .

And go!  
And, oh! The noise they make! 

I will not get to see their beautiful, synchronized flying today. 

If you want to see more pics of these beauties, just enter "black skimmers" into the search box. 

Saturday, March 4, 2023

It's a Sign


When you see a sign like this, it's a sign that you are living in or driving through a really cool place!

As you can tell by many of my previous posts, I love watching the pelicans. They have been a favorite of mine since I came down here a few years ago. I was very keen to find the places where the amazing brown pelicans could be found, which is just about anywhere near the water. 

Then, in South Dakota, I found the white pelicans in the lake areas. They show up down here in some places during the winter. Santa Ana Wildlife Refuge is a good place to find them on their winter vacation. 

If you want to see more of my pelican posts, just put the word "pelicans" in the search bar. 

Tequila Sunset Eats

  Well, the sun came out for a while, so I went to hear J. Michael Laferty at Tequila Sunset. I usually just have a club soda, juice, or tea...