Thursday, April 20, 2023

Tullahassee Loop


After spending a few days in my dad's home town of Muskogee, Oklahoma visiting family I hadn't seen in ages, I decided to stay at this little campground a few miles away at the Tullahassee Loop. 

It was so peaceful! I got to watch herons in flight, circling round and round the Loop. The weather was just as perfect as it could be for car camping.

In the evening, I wound down with my little camp light and a little Bible reading.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Wildflowers in Bloom


After being home just a few weeks, I was ready to head north again to see my family in Nebraska and South Dakota. I thought I might be a little too early to catch the Texas wildflowers, but I couldn't have been happier to be wrong! Fields and fields of beautiful flowers had me squealing with delight. 

Friday, April 14, 2023

SPI Spring Migration 2023


I was so happy to be able to get in on the spring migration before beginning my next trip north. And very excited to photograph my very first prothonotary warbler! 

When the birds first arrive, they are beaten and worn from their long trip across the Gulf. They can appear weak and visibly thinner.

But within a very short time, they really plump up! This is the same scarlet tanager I followed around all morning!

I was tempted to put off my trip to catch more of the migration, but I had much to do, so it was time to go. 

Monday, April 3, 2023

A New Look

I spent several days with my mom in Omaha, watching lots of old movies and hitting a few Goodwills, which resulted in a new look for my car camping setup. I had some serious issues with my health there, which had me wondering if I should go on with the rest of my trip, but my daughter was getting married in SD, so I was pretty determined to go. 

Temps were quite a bit cooler here at night, so I got to make use of my body warmers at night. They really help a lot!


Sunday, April 2, 2023

Government Canyon State Natural Area


Sunday morning, I met up with my son and his family at Government Canyon State Natural Area. 

It was a little toasty for the 5-mile hike to get to and from the canyon area, and fairly arduous for a few of us who were not accustomed to such a long walk, but we made it, although Scarlet and I may have been a little worse for the wear.

While the surrounding area was beautiful, the much anticipated dinosaur tracks were not quite as impressive as I had hoped for.

Though it would have been better without the oppressive heat, it was still a really nice place for a family outing. 

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Hill Country Natural Area

After a wonderful day in Castroville, Texas, I headed north to go meet my kids at Government Canyon State Natural Area. I LOVE the Bandera area, where the cactus and brush of the Lower Rio Grande Valley begins to merge with the splendor of the Texas Hill Country. I remember thinking when I came through here before that one day I would go and explore Bandera, Texas, but alas! There were some big cowboy doings in town, and I knew I couldn't handle the crowds, due to my MCS (multiple chemical sensitivities). But I did have a day to fill before meeting up with my family. What to do? 

I had seen a sign just south of town for the Hill Country State Natural Area, so I went back to check it out. What a beautiful, rustic area! I donned the tennis shoes I sprung for at the Walmart in Castroville, as I had forgotten to bring any hiking shoes. I put them on and away I went. 

When I checked in at the office, I had asked if they had tent/car camping available, and they said that they did, but that all spaces were reserved. But they said I could check in again before I left for the evening, and lo and behold, they had a no-show. How exciting! No Walmart parking lot tonight! It was so peaceful, so delightful! I have vowed to go back again. 

A Lovely Day in Castroville, Texas

As part of my recent car camping adventure, I was trying to find a natural area to stay overnight. I was delighted with this city park in Castroville, Texas. Unfortunately, I was unable to stay the night, as car camping is not allowed (only tent camping, which is not as safe and is more damaging to the grounds).

A mama squirrel got a little belligerent with me, but I couldn't blame her. All in all, I spent a very enjoyable day walking through the park, except for the part where I wasn't looking where I was going and ran into a steel pole, giving myself a fat lip! Oh, well...

Earlier that day, after leaving Walmart, I drove around the town. Everywhere I went the poppies were in bloom. I stopped at a garage sale, where I saw this beautiful, rustic setting. I can't remember the name of this tree, but the flowers were so beautiful!

I stopped at a garage sale, followed by a wonderful antique store!

Tequila Sunset Eats

  Well, the sun came out for a while, so I went to hear J. Michael Laferty at Tequila Sunset. I usually just have a club soda, juice, or tea...