Saturday, April 1, 2023

A Lovely Day in Castroville, Texas

As part of my recent car camping adventure, I was trying to find a natural area to stay overnight. I was delighted with this city park in Castroville, Texas. Unfortunately, I was unable to stay the night, as car camping is not allowed (only tent camping, which is not as safe and is more damaging to the grounds).

A mama squirrel got a little belligerent with me, but I couldn't blame her. All in all, I spent a very enjoyable day walking through the park, except for the part where I wasn't looking where I was going and ran into a steel pole, giving myself a fat lip! Oh, well...

Earlier that day, after leaving Walmart, I drove around the town. Everywhere I went the poppies were in bloom. I stopped at a garage sale, where I saw this beautiful, rustic setting. I can't remember the name of this tree, but the flowers were so beautiful!

I stopped at a garage sale, followed by a wonderful antique store!

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