Thursday, March 19, 2020

I Can Dream, Can't I?

I have really loved my time here in Spokane. I truly have fallen in love with the city. And while my health has certainly improved over the past several months, I find that I not having complete control over my home environment is causing me problems.

I don't really know how much greater my improvement would be if I could have a place of my own, but since there are no low-income apartments available for me here, I can't really test it out.

I have been looking on the USDA website for low-income housing for an apartment in a warmer climate since I have lived in USDA housing before and I really like it. It is generally much easier to get into than Section 8, and I especially love that it is available only in small towns. Small-town living has always been more my style. City life is not for me, although if I was going to live in a city, I think I would choose Spokane. 

The USDA website has a handy map that makes it easy to go in and search for apartments by state and county. So, where to start? Well, I really want to go to a warm climate, so I started out by thinking about a few of our family vacations to warmer climates. My husband had a construction business, so winter vacations were all we could do. In our early years, we couldn't usually afford vacations far from home, but later on we enjoyed a few nice ones in Gulf Shores, Alabama, and Corpus Christi and South Padre Island in Texas. I went in by counties and, to my surprise, found out that there was an available apartment 15 minutes away from South Padre Island, with only one person on the wait list.

I'm not sure it's something that will work out, but I am getting on the list. Who knows?

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