Monday, November 9, 2020

Gnocchi, Anyone?


I really never imagined I would be a fan of gnocchi, as I don't usually care for potatoes and pasta together, or even potatoes and bread in the same meal. For example, I like my mom's old hamburger soup recipe made with either potatoes or macaroni, but not both. I can eat a dinner roll with a meal that includes potatoes, but I definitely cannot put potatoes on bread, as my younger brothers used to do. Blah. 

But several months back, I changed my mind about gnocchi when I was treated to a gnocchi dish at my son's home. His wife, Natalie, had made a really hearty soup featuring some type of sausage and gnocchi, and it was so good. I decided that I would go ahead and give gnocchi a try. 

I was a little leary when I saw all the cautionary warnings about how difficult it is to get it right, but I didn't find it difficult at all, and they turned out just right. And even a small recipe makes so much, I was able to throw some in the freezer for another time. 

My soup was made with equal parts chicken stock and cream, with chicken and salsa verde. I also added fresh poblano juice and a little sweet red pepper juice, along with garlic, onions, and sea salt. the fresh juices really make a difference, in my book. Anyway, it was very yummy. 

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