Friday, November 13, 2020

Potato Pancakes For Supper

One of my all-time favorites for supper - potato pancakes with sour cream. Sometimes I get ambitious and make bacon with them, but not tonight. Just a couple of grated potatoes, salt, and a large egg fried up in a little almond oil. Other oils or bacon grease will do nicely too, but the almond oil makes them nice and crispy. 

There are a lot of ways to make potatoes pancakes. Some people use mashed potatoes, some use flour. I just like to keep them simple. Once in a while I add some grated carrots or some chopped kale. But no matter what, it's a nice simple meal.

They're also nice for when money's tight, as you can fry up an awful lot of potatoes with a bag of potatoes and a dozen eggs. 

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