Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Chachalacas, Cardinals, and More


Besides seeing the green jays and Altamira orioles, I had in mind seeing the Chachalacas I had heard so much about. While the older birds resemble wild turkeys, the younger ones look a lot more graceful. Chachalacas are found from the southern United States to Central America. 

And who doesn't love seeing those bright red cardinals!
Seeing them was like a little taste of my old Midwestern home. 

This female cardinal certainly was bright-eyed. 
(I confess, I changed the background on this little beauty - one of my first attempts at composites)

And then there are always plenty of the common grackles to be seen in the Rio Grande Valley. A lot of people detest them, but I haven't come to feel that way so far. 

I will surely be coming back to Resaca de la Palma to see more of the lovely birds. 

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