This empty-nester has moved from the Midwest to the Rio Grande Valley. Follow my new adventures in the RGV, on South Padre Island, and beyond.
Monday, April 26, 2021
Squirrels at Play at Estero Llano
Well, it's been a while since I've seen one of these! I used to feed the squirrels back in Nebraska and, while I have heard tell they show up in Harlingen and Brownsville, I hadn't seen any around here. But today I visited Estero Llano on my way back from my monthly visit to McAllen and had the pleasure of watching him.
I didn't stay long at the state park, as I was very tired out from last week's birding and didn't want to run into problems. I was not able to get any good pictures of birds today, though I did see a few green jays, a cardinal, a few black-necked stilts, a white egret, and I believe I saw a cedar waxwing in flight. That's one I haven't been able to snap as of yet. But I'm sure I will be back at Estero Llano again.
Sunday, April 25, 2021
Los Fresnos Nature Park
I just found out that Los Fresnos has a nature park, so I had to check it out. It is really nice! They have a nice birding habitat, but unfortunately, I don't think they are feeding. I saw a green jay and an indigo bunting flitting by, but nothing hanging around the habitat but a nice butterfly in the flower garden.
As far as aesthetics, I would have to rate this park as one of the prettiest I've seen. I understand that the birds really love the crowded thickets, but this park has that, as well as a very pleasing, more manicured view as well.
Mostly, I just enjoyed walking and taking in the sunshine.

Friday, April 23, 2021
Earth Tones on Legs
I was very happy to get this rather nice shot of the not-so-frequently photographed least bittern a few days ago. I understand that they like to stay well-hidden, which makes it a real treat to come upon. Actually, I wouldn't have noticed it, had other birders not pointed it out to me. Very pretty.
And then, there was this lesser yellow-leg or wood sandpiper - I'm still trying to figure out if they are the same species or if there is something that distinguishes one from the other. Anyway, I thought it was very attractive. I've always been partial to earth tones, so I love both of these waders.
Those Feisty Cormorants
The Amazing Catbird
Helping Out at the Convention Center Birding Park
I made my way to the Convention Center and I was actually one of the first to be there. There were very few birds out at the time, but that could have been due to the fact that all the orange skins were totally cleaned out. I was talking to one of the other birders there, when she said she had better get busy putting out fresh oranges for the birds, so I asked if I could help.
I walked along the boardwalk, where I saw some of the waders - a heron, a couple of least bitterns, and a lesser yellow-leg - and by the time I got back to the entrance, the catbirds and orioles had all but cleaned out the oranges! Believe me, I have a new respect for how much work it takes to keep the trees stocked with fresh oranges for all the birds that come here!
Besides the striking catbird, I also saw the Tennessee warbler . . .
and the beautiful redstart . . .
But my three mornings in a row of birding were catching up with me, so I reluctantly decided to make it a very short morning and head for home, as I had some resting up to do. With my health challenges, back-to-back beach and birding might be a little too much for me. (I was laid up for a few days after.)
More Cactus Flowers
Cactus flowers are all over the place right now and, while a bit more rustic, they are about as pretty as roses. I've seen them in orange, yellow, and now a vibrant pink.

The pretty pink flowers really dressed up the dunes, which are just starting to green up after the winter season. Soon everything will be green and lush again.
Left Behind
I see a lot of nature, including a great variety of birds and animals, on my walks, but sometimes there's more of a manmade variety left behind. Today I saw this old cowboy hat in the waters of the Laguna Madre, down the boardwalk at the SPI Convention Center, and it had a sort of nostalgic look to it.
Earlier, when I walked along the sandy beach, I saw this old plastic bottle that had become a home to these goose barnacles. It was an odd sight.
Since I had never seen anything like this, I had to Google lens it. I learned that the goose barnacles form in shallow waters along coasts, being encouraged by the movement of the waters. I was surprised to learn that they are not only eaten, but actually considered a delicacy in some places, like Spain and Italy.
Sunrise on the Beach - It's Been Too Long
Monday, April 19, 2021
Yellow-headed Blackbirds
Like what I have seen from most blackbirds, they are a bit aggressive, but not so much as the redwings.
Migratory Fallout!
I was finally able to get a look at the indigo buntings and the fabulous painted buntings.
Enjoy the fallout!
Monday, April 12, 2021
I love seeing all the birds in such beautiful backdrops -
including beautiful plants and trees - and butterflies!
Visiting Birds
Sunday, April 11, 2021
Hummingbirds at the Bottlebrush Tree
Hummingbirds are always one of the major attractions at all the birding spots. I always love seeing them buzzing around the feeders, their little wings flapping at lightning speed. But recently, I have been hoping to get some shots of them around the gorgeous red flowers of the bottlebrush trees. And today I got my wish!
Grackles a 'Plenty
Tequila Sunset Eats
Well, the sun came out for a while, so I went to hear J. Michael Laferty at Tequila Sunset. I usually just have a club soda, juice, or tea...

The first night after Darla left for her home far away, I was surprised by SouthernBlend and all the Blenders when they presented me with my...
After several months of going to the beach almost daily to walk and see the sunset, it has been hard to give it up for the winter, since the...
A few days ago, I had the opportunity to go to Sabal Palm Sanctuary for the first time in a long time. It is a favorite hiking p...