Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Beach Erosion and Trash Deposits During Hurricane Season


I haven't been to the beach much lately, so I was saddened to see the erosion that has taken place during this hurricane season. Some of the dunes here have been carved out, and the slope of the beach has changed due sand being swept away. This being my first year here, I don't know if this is typical of every hurricane season or if this particularly busy season has done more damage than usual.

Just as sad, if not more so, are the huge deposits of trash that have been washed up on the beaches. While people here are, for the most part, respectful of the beach, some are thoughtless and leave behind what would be so easy for them to discard appropriately. But most of the trash, I believe, is coming in from far away, as it has been dumped from waves and deposited on the beach. It looks like it has been awhile in the ocean, especially with all the teeth marks in the plastic bottles and metal cans. It makes me sad to think about the unsuspecting marine life that has to deal with it, painfully, I'm sure. 

Here is a pile of trash I picked out of this short strip of beach, where stuff was washed up. It only took me about 10-15 minutes to pick it up and get rid of it. This is the first time I have found so much in such a small stretch of beach. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Walking With a White Egret

What a treat I had today when I saw this white egret on the beach! Not only that, but it actually let me walk alongside it for a while - at a comfortable distance, of course. I was able to scale down this video to just a minute, but I actually had about six minutes of video with this beautiful bird. 

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Meatless Guaco Tacos


Every one in a while I go on a raw food kick, eating as little cooked food as possible. When I do, there's probably no cooked food I miss as much as tacos. Tacos often have some raw food toppings, like lettuce, tomato, pico de gallo, and such, but it's hard to get around the meat and tortillas. But it can be done, and the result is actually more tasty to me than the cooked type. I take a few romaine lettuce leaves and add a few big dollops of homemade guacamole. The I add a meatless taco mix made from soaked walnuts ground up with some chili powder, cumin, dehydrated onion powder, and sea salt. It probably doesn't sound so good to some, but it is tasty. Then I top with a fresh salsa that I make from red, orange, and yellow sweet peppers, some green peppers and jalapenos, and some onion, garlic, sea salt and lime juice. Mmmm - It tastes so good. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

While Leaves Are Turning Back in Nebraska . . .


While I may be missing out on the beautiful fall colors back in Nebraska, there are plenty of beautiful colors here, even just this nice purple in the snapdragons on my front porch. I have been curious to find out what changes, if any, show themselves here in the Rio Grande Valley during the autumn months. 

It's funny, being into September, I keep getting this feeling that I need to start getting things done before winter, and then I remember that winter - as I know it - won't be coming. It's a sigh of relief for me. Every warm day is a gift. I know they are also enjoying warm days in Nebraska, though their lows are dipping lower than ours are here. But I know that the days there are numbered. 

A lot of people love the midwestern winters - I just don't happen to be one of them. And since cold has been a huge trigger for health problems for me in the past, I am so much better since coming to the Deep South. When I think about how much worse my health was a few years ago- even a year ago - well, I just feel very grateful for the positive change. I know there will be some cold days to come, but they are still pretty far away and won't be so bitterly cold. They say that it doesn't stay cold for long without warming up again. In the mean time, I love every warm day.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Another Beautiful Sunrise


Tropical storm Beta made landfall about three hours north of us on the already battered Texas/Louisiana coastline. Initially forecasted to hit closer to here, it has still managed to do damage to the coastline of beautiful South Padre Island. Here, on the other side of the Laguna Madre, the waters are contained and I was able to see another beautiful sunrise while taking an early morning walk. 

Friday, September 18, 2020

Laguna Madre Nature Walk

Right next to the Birding and Wildlife Center, at the South Padre Island Convention Center, is a similar boardwalk through the natural surroundings of the Laguna Madre, and I finally made it over to take the walk. I had a very nice time and had a few nice spottings, though I wasn't quite quick enough with the camera to have anything to share. I really want to come catch a sunset sometime. I have seen so many beautiful sunrises but only one sunset. I'll be back, for sure. 


Saturday, September 12, 2020

A Lovely Time at Laguna Atascosa


Laguna Atascosa - What a beautiful name! It surprised me to learn that it means "Boggy Lake!" Well, this is one boggy lake that is lovely to look at. And it did take away my depressed mood.

It's a nice place to see the sun go down. Signs warn against going near the water, due to the threat of alligators. There are lovely birds to be seen in flight. 

The nature trails look inviting, yet intimidating at the same time. I'd like to walk through someday, but the idea of coming across rattlesnakes and creepy crawlers while alone is a little more than I can handle. 

Then back home. I don't get to see the sun going down from my place, so I just had to turn around to get a better look at the evening sky. What a lovely evening!

A Rugged Terrain With a Rustic Appeal


I was feeling pretty depressed today, missing my kids and grandkids, so I decided it was high time I saw something new. A drive to Laguna Atascosa Wildlife Preserve provided a very nice distraction and changed my mood. But before I got to see that there was a slight change in scenery. A nice little drive past the lovely homes of Laguna Vista turned into the more typical natural countryside of shrubby trees laced with different kinds of cactus. I can't say it's the prettiest countryside but it is sort of quaint and very rustic. As I drove through, every old Texas western I've ever seen came tumbling through my mind like a dried up ball of tumbleweed. Okay, that's corny, I know, but it was a very pleasant and nostalgic ride. 

It may not have been what I expected, but the more I drove through this terrain, which seemed to jump from desolate to overgrown to rather plush, the more it appealed to me. Not gorgeous, like the sunrises behind the palm trees, but it's just so interesting.

And then, finally, there I was at the Visitor Center of the Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Preserve. 

Friday, September 11, 2020

Baking for a Cause


When I read about the Costa Cleanups beach cleaning scheduled for tomorrow to get rid of the trash deposited by Hurricane Hanna, I really wanted to help out, but I had a few things going against me. For one thing, I don't have a 4 x 4 to drive, and with the Covid situation, people can't ride together. Also, I don't tolerate the fumes from sunscreen and bug spray, which I knew would be drifting around. So, while it was a disappointment, I couldn't help out that way. 

I was happy to be able to help out by providing some caramel rolls for the workers. I haven't baked this much in ages, and it sure did wear me out, but it was all for a good cause. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

A Graceful Walking Partner


This morning I was surprised to see what looked like a Sandhill crane or egret strolling the beach, looking just as pleased with the surroundings as any of the others out to see the sunrise. Just like the seagulls what like to line up to watch the sun climb over the horizon, this lovely bird seemed unable to take its eyes off the rising sun. And I couldn't take my eyes off of him. After a little research, I am leaning toward it being an egret. It is the first I have seen in the nearly 5 months I've been here. Hel let me get pretty close, and we actually walked together for a bit. 


Tuesday, September 8, 2020

A Prickly Situation


I recently bought a cactus plant and just happened to find a pot for it at Goodwill. I like to think of myself as a fairly intelligent person, but my brain must have left me when I set about repotting the prickly plant without gloves. Ouch! I won't make that mistake again. 

It's not the most attractive of plants, but I have been increasingly drawn to cacti and succulents since coming here. I hope I can get the hang of them. 

Monday, September 7, 2020

A Wide Array of Colors


I thought I would give these new watercolors a try. If I like them, I can send some to the grandkids. I've always been really disappointed with the quality of the children's watercolors available off the shelves 

These have a really nice quality - very easy to use. I like them for my own use as well. 

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Who's Been Eating My Plant?


Something's sure been gnawing on my previously healthy-looking Mother of Thousands plant (also known as Devil's Backbone and Mexican Hat plant.) Maybe it's time to bring it inside until I get it figured out. 

Saturday, September 5, 2020

English Muffin Success


I've made just about everything from scratch at one time or another, but English muffins have always been a tough one for me. I've tried recipes, only to have them fail miserably. Most of them turned out too bread-like, without the airy holes that English muffins are known for. Others turned out more like a cross between biscuits and scones. So today I put all of the recipes aside and just followed my own instincts. I was really pleased with the results. 

Basically, I just added my sugar and salt to my sponge (water, yeast, and flour left to rise for about an hour) and didn't add more flour. I finally got the airy holes I was trying to get. Buttered and topped off with wild blueberry jelly, it was a real treat. 

Tequila Sunset Eats

  Well, the sun came out for a while, so I went to hear J. Michael Laferty at Tequila Sunset. I usually just have a club soda, juice, or tea...