I like the way it turned out . . .
This empty-nester has moved from the Midwest to the Rio Grande Valley. Follow my new adventures in the RGV, on South Padre Island, and beyond.
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Cookies and Milk, Anyone?
I like the way it turned out . . .
Friday, October 30, 2020
Ruby Red Means Ruby Red!
I have always loved to start any day with fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice. It's always seemed a bit of an oddity to me that Ruby Red grapefruits are never Ruby Red. They are always pink, where I come from, anyway.
But recently I got some Ruby Red grapefruit that really live up to their name. Mind you, no filters on these photos. This is the real thing. And the taste - I've never had any grapefruit juice like it.
I believe they came from the Grapevine Orchards, just up the road from me. So tasty. I'll be back for more.
Another surprising thing was the color of the outside. All this red inside and it was still green on the outside. Kind of makes me wonder about those pale things in the store. Are they pink because they are gas-ripened before their time? I don't know. But I sure do love this treat.
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Sunset at the Docks
Just before sunset, I drove out north of town, and the grasses were very pretty against the setting sun as well. Another peaceful evening on the Laguna Madre.
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
And Away It Goes
Well, I went and done it. I'd been playing with the idea of cutting my hair since coming to this warm climate. I like to drive with the windows down and my long hair was always whipping around and getting in my face, even if I remembered to put it up. So I finally did it. Funny that I didn't get around to it until almost time for "winter." It feels good. I have moments of regrets, but overall, I'm pretty comfortable with it.
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Sunset at the Jetties
Well, I have been so pleased to finally have a county park pass and be able to drive right up to my favorite place, Isla Blanco Park and the Jetties.
Tonight's display was lovely and peaceful, with a boat sailing through the glorious sunset. What nice way to end a day.
I have been feeling so downright depressed because of not being able to see any family for so long. Of course, I knew it would be this way, but it's different when the reality hits. I'm glad that my health is much better, but there are times when I wonder if it would be better to just deal with the sickness and have family around. Of course, now that my family is all spread out, I can't be around them all. But I sure do miss them.
And, even a beautiful sunset can't take that away, although it does provide a distraction for a while.
Friday, October 23, 2020
Beautiful Waves on the Jetty
Tonight at the Jetties, the sunset had a little competition from the magnificent waves. Absolutely glorious crashing against the boulders, with the setting sun in the background.
I had a nice front row seat on one of the short rock pillars, just close enough to get a little splash now and then.
A couple of fishermen got a little close for comfort, though. This wave caused them a little unsteadiness, but thankfully they weren't hurt.
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
My Cameron County Park Pass
For some time now, I've been wondering if I should spring for a Cameron County park pass. Would I use it enough to make it worthwhile? With the park pass, I could come straight to the Jetties through Isla Blanca Park, rather than my 2-mile hike down the beach from the public accesses. Not that I mind that lovely walk along the beach . . . and back . . . but sometimes I'd rather get right to that southern tip of the beach and spend a little more time watching the pelicans and egrets.
Not only that, but with a park pass, I can check out the other parks up on the north end of the island. And, one big advantage is that I can always have very nice, clean bathrooms nearby.
Well, I finally got a 30-day pass to check it out, and it took me about half a second to know it was going to be worthwhile. Very worthwhile.
I'm so impressed with Isla Blanca Park! I'm sure I will be visiting here a lot.
Friday, October 16, 2020
A Trip to the Fruit Stand
Thursday, October 15, 2020
My Favorite Walk - Heading to the Jetties
A Little Roadside Shopping
A Jellyfish Invasion
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Italian Ice Cream at Mirage Cafe
Friday, October 9, 2020
Laguna Vista Nature Trail
I have known about the Laguna Vista Nature Trail since I first moved here, but I guess in the beginning I was too afraid to venture out alone - worried about creepy crawlers and such. But finally, after a friend told me that she had often gone walking on the trail without being attacked by any giant spiders or snakes, I decided to brave it. And it was just fine.
A nice trail for walking - plenty of sunshine and very quiet. I can't say much for its beauty, as it is quite overgrown. But it is pleasant enough and provides an atmosphere for deep thought. I enjoyed it.
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
A Hidden Sunrise
Monday, October 5, 2020
A Whole Lot of Goodness at Burger-Fi
Friday, October 2, 2020
Salmon Salad - A Favorite of Mine
Who's Been Eating My Plant?
Tequila Sunset Eats
Well, the sun came out for a while, so I went to hear J. Michael Laferty at Tequila Sunset. I usually just have a club soda, juice, or tea...

The first night after Darla left for her home far away, I was surprised by SouthernBlend and all the Blenders when they presented me with my...
After several months of going to the beach almost daily to walk and see the sunset, it has been hard to give it up for the winter, since the...
A few days ago, I had the opportunity to go to Sabal Palm Sanctuary for the first time in a long time. It is a favorite hiking p...