This empty-nester has moved from the Midwest to the Rio Grande Valley. Follow my new adventures in the RGV, on South Padre Island, and beyond.
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Aloe There!
I got this big aloe vera plant for just $5 a few days ago. Some of the shoots were browning from too much sun at the nursery, but after just a few days indoors, it really started greening up nicely. Soon I hope to repot it, divide it and have a few more aloes.
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Andy Bowie Park
Saturday, November 14, 2020
The Dunes in Watercolor
The Meatball Cafe
My "splurge" to-go meal for this week was a place I've been wanting to try out for awhile - "The Meatball Cafe." Every time I drive by, I wonder why they chose the name? Is it a cafe that features every type of meatball anyone could ever imagine?
Well, no, it is actually just a very nice Italian restaurant with amazing food. I spent at least 20 minutes going over the menu, trying to decide what to get. I wanted to try everything, but I settled on the Mortadella Panini, minus the mortadella, which looks too much like bologna for my liking, and with a side salad instead of the homemade fries. But it still had spinach, mushrooms, ricotta, and mozarella - and it my taste buds don't deceive me, homemade Ciabatta - and it was amazing. Simply delicious.
Now I can't wait to try the lasagna, the spaghetti and meatballs, the pizza, and more. I rarely eat in restaurants - usually just this once-a-month treat - but I will have to make an exception for this one, because I don't think I can wait another month to try something else or have that panini again. Mmmm.
P.S. There is also a beautiful outdoor seating area behind all that garden-covered lattice work, which I might enjoy the next time I come.
Friday, November 13, 2020
Potato Pancakes For Supper
One of my all-time favorites for supper - potato pancakes with sour cream. Sometimes I get ambitious and make bacon with them, but not tonight. Just a couple of grated potatoes, salt, and a large egg fried up in a little almond oil. Other oils or bacon grease will do nicely too, but the almond oil makes them nice and crispy.
There are a lot of ways to make potatoes pancakes. Some people use mashed potatoes, some use flour. I just like to keep them simple. Once in a while I add some grated carrots or some chopped kale. But no matter what, it's a nice simple meal.
They're also nice for when money's tight, as you can fry up an awful lot of potatoes with a bag of potatoes and a dozen eggs.
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
The Ginga Leopard
As I reached the Jetties today, a great ship was rolling in. I believe I have seen it here before, from a distance, but today I got a closer look.
The Rolling Sea
But I did see an amazing view of the business district/hotels, etc, all lined up along the beach. And I did see some really cool blue-and-white waves rolling in along the edge of the barrier. And, of course, an egret, some really cool pelican dives, and plenty of sunshine.
Monday, November 9, 2020
Gnocchi, Anyone?
I really never imagined I would be a fan of gnocchi, as I don't usually care for potatoes and pasta together, or even potatoes and bread in the same meal. For example, I like my mom's old hamburger soup recipe made with either potatoes or macaroni, but not both. I can eat a dinner roll with a meal that includes potatoes, but I definitely cannot put potatoes on bread, as my younger brothers used to do. Blah.
But several months back, I changed my mind about gnocchi when I was treated to a gnocchi dish at my son's home. His wife, Natalie, had made a really hearty soup featuring some type of sausage and gnocchi, and it was so good. I decided that I would go ahead and give gnocchi a try.
I was a little leary when I saw all the cautionary warnings about how difficult it is to get it right, but I didn't find it difficult at all, and they turned out just right. And even a small recipe makes so much, I was able to throw some in the freezer for another time.
My soup was made with equal parts chicken stock and cream, with chicken and salsa verde. I also added fresh poblano juice and a little sweet red pepper juice, along with garlic, onions, and sea salt. the fresh juices really make a difference, in my book. Anyway, it was very yummy.
Saturday, November 7, 2020
Mother and Child Silhouette on the Beach
I have always loved mother-and-child photos, and so I really love this photo of a mother and child on the beach at sunrise. A nicely silhouetted pair, before the gentle rays of sunshine.
Friday, November 6, 2020
Moon Jellies
I am learning that moon jellies, which have been washing up on the shore in droves lately, dry out very quickly once they are out of the water. They are high in fatty acids, so the birds and other predators like to feast on them. Most of the ones I see are sort of wilting away, but every once in a while I see one that must have just been left, poor things. I wish there was something that could be done to get them back in the water, but I don't think that's done, so I will just leave it alone.
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Off to the Dunes
Monday, November 2, 2020
Jetty to the Sunrise
What a lovely start to any week! I love this shot of the jetty stretching out toward the sunrise. The colors blend so nicely, and the natural look of the rock structure looks so good against the water. Just part of many wonders this day would bring.
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Sunday Morning Farmers Market
Last week I took home veggies, sprouts, and ground cacao and this week I bought more veggies and sprouts and some kombucha salad dressing, some homemade salsa, and a huge bag of Texas ruby red grapefruit, brought in from the Grapevine orchard, not far from where I live.
The kombucha dressing was very good on the farmers market salad I had for supper.
Tequila Sunset Eats
Well, the sun came out for a while, so I went to hear J. Michael Laferty at Tequila Sunset. I usually just have a club soda, juice, or tea...

The first night after Darla left for her home far away, I was surprised by SouthernBlend and all the Blenders when they presented me with my...
After several months of going to the beach almost daily to walk and see the sunset, it has been hard to give it up for the winter, since the...
A few days ago, I had the opportunity to go to Sabal Palm Sanctuary for the first time in a long time. It is a favorite hiking p...